POSTCollecting Invoice Debt

The merchant can make invoice collections by sending a POST request to the "Invoice Payment" method with the following parameters.

Service address: /invoices/invoicepayment


Parameter Name Parameter Type Description


string It is provided by the service provider .

Example; 3f0126be-*-*-**-06025352594a



string It is provided by the service provider .

Example ; 3f0126be-*-*-**-06025352594a

Body Parameter
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description


integer It is the "invoiceQueryId" value returned in invoice query operations.


integer Partial Collection Amount.The value to be sent must be an integer. must be (int) and must not be larger than the invoice amount. If a payment is less than the invoice amount, it must be sent. It should not be sent otherwise. (Currently, it can only be used for İSKİ payments.)

Request Sample
     "invoiceQueryId": 615209,
     "partialAmount": 1


Response Parameter
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
Result boolen The result of a successful or unsuccessful query.
ResultCode integer The code that returns the query result.
ResultMessage string The description that returns as a result of the query.
payofinPaymentDetails class Returns the invoice detail to be collected.

PayofinPaymentDetails Parameter
Parameter Name Parameter Type Description
invoicePaymentId integer The collection Id of the transaction that was paid for. This value will be used in invoice control processes.
balance decimal It is the available balance amount remaining at the end of the collection process.
paymentAmount decimal It is the amount of debt collected.
profit decimal It is the service fee charged for the collection process.
paymentDate string Payment Date

Response Sample
     "payofinPaymentDetails": {
        "invoicePaymentId": 1786,
        "balance": 110740.99,
        "paymentAmount": 1.0,
        "profit": 0.50,
        "paymentDate": "10.05.2022 15:41:49"
        "result": true,
        "resultCode": 1,
        "resultMessage": "İşlem Başarılı"