POSTInvoice Receipt Service

Representatives can access the receipt information of the invoices with this service.

The invoice payment and receipt details can be listed by sending the "PaymentId" information returned as a result of the invoice payment process to the service.

Service address: /invoices/invoicereceipt


Parameter Name Parameter Type Explanation


string It is provided by the service provider.

For example; 3f0126be-****-****-****-06025352594a



string It is provided by the service provider.

For example; 3f0126be-****-****-****-06025352594a

Body Parameter
Parameter Name Parameter Type Explanation


ListArray Invoice payment data

InvoicePaymentList Details
Parameter Name Parameter Type Explanation


integer The "invoicePaymentId" value returned as a result of the invoice payment transaction

Request Sample
    "invoicePaymentList": [
            "invoicePaymentId": 4924
            "invoicePaymentId": 4924


Response Parameter
Parameter Name Parameter Type Explanation
result boolean The result of a successful or unsuccessful query.
resultCode integer The code that returns the query result.
resultMessage string The description that returns as a result of the query.
merchantData Class Merchant data
invoiceReceiptList List Array Invoice receipt list

merchantData Parameter
Parameter Name Parameter Type Explanation
merchantCode string Merchant code
merchantName string Merchant name
merchantAddress string Merchant address
merchantPhone string Merchant phone

invoiceReceiptList Parameter
Parameter Name Parameter Type Explanation
referenceNo string Bill payment reference number
transactionDate string Transaction date
sootType string Soot type
sootName string Soot name
invoiceNo string Invoice number
subscriberNo string Subscriber number
customerName string Customer name
lastDate string Invoice due date
paymentType string Payment type
invoiceAmount decimal Invoice amount
profit decimal Service fee
operationProfit decimal Operation service fee
totalAmount decimal Total amount
qrCode string QR code
controlLink string QR code

Response Sample
         "merchantData": {
         "merchantCode": "8593406199",
         "merchantName": "TEKNOBİLSOFT",
         "merchantAddress": "NECATİBEY CAD. 44/22",
         "merchantPhone": "(000) 000-0000"
    "invoiceReceiptList": [
            "referenceNo": "FOY481070",
            "transactionDate": "6.04.2022 00:00:00",
            "sootType": "Su Faturası",
            "sootName": "İSKİ",
            "invoiceNo": "01345677000",
            "subscriberNo": "01345677000",
            "customerName": "DE*** ÖZ****",
            "lastDate": "6.04.2022 00:00:00",
            "paymentType": "SANALPOS",
            "invoiceAmount": 10.00,
            "profit": 2.36,
            "operationProfit": 0.0,
            "totalAmount": 12.36,
            "qrCode": "BP022FOY481070"
            "referenceNo": "FOY480834",
            "transactionDate": "6.04.2022 00:00:00",
            "sootType": "Su Faturası",
            "sootName": "İSKİ",
            "invoiceNo": "01345677000",
            "subscriberNo": "01345677000",
            "customerName": "DE*** ÖZ****",
            "lastDate": "6.04.2022 00:00:00",
            "paymentType": "SANALPOS",
            "invoiceAmount": 10.00,
            "profit": 2.26,
            "operationProfit": 0.0,
            "totalAmount": 12.26,
            "qrCode": "BP022FOY480834"
            "controlLink": ""

    "result": true,
    "resultCode": 1,
    "resultMessage": "İşlem Başarılı"